Internal medicine is the branch of medicine which deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of most of the diseases affecting adults which includes (list not limited to)

  • Respiratory disease like Bronchial Asthma, COPD, Pleural effusion, Tuberculosis, Pneumonitis, Intestinal lung disease etc,
  • Cardiovascular diseases like Coronary artery disease, Myocardial infarction (heart attack), Heart failure, Hypertension etc,
  • Neurological diseases like stroke, Peripheral neuropathy, Meningitis, Dementia etc,
  • Rheumatological diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, SLE, Sjogren’s syndrome etc,
  • Endocrinologicaldiseases like Diabetes, hypo and hyperthyroidismetc,
  • Nephrological disease like Chronic kidney disease, Acute renal failure, Urinary tract infection, Glomerulonephritis, Nephrotic syndrome etc,
  • Various other multisystem infections like Dengue, Malaria, Chickengunya, Typhoid fever, Chickenpox etc,
  • Gastroenterological illness like IBD (ulcerative colitis, chronic disease), Hepatitis (acute and chronic, Chronic constipation, Acute and chronic diarrhea

Department of Medicine forms backbone of any Hospital which takes care of admitted patients as well as patients coming in outpatient department.

We have a well-developed Department of Medicine including Emergency services, OPD, IPD and ICU.We aim to provide quality care to our patients at affordable prices with a fully equipped lab, best radio-diagnostic centre, State of art ICU setup and highly skilled and experienced staff. We leave no stone unturned in diagnosing and treating our patients.

Our effort is not just to diagnose and treat our patient but also to create awareness about healthy lifestyle and primary prevention.